Black Eagle, Montana
The Black Eagle hydroelectric facility generates approximately 21-MW and is a run-of-the-river project owned and operated by NorthWestern Energy (since 2014). The Black Eagle Project required the replacement of an existing, but aging 100kV-radial line and wooden H-frame structures. The project also included the removal of the existing Black Eagle substation from the Black Eagle Memorial Island, a popular recreation destination, and construction of a new substation on the mainland adjacent to the powerhouse.
New Wave staff was tasked with providing regulatory management and oversight for all phases of the Black Eagle Project, preliminary design through post-construction, including the preparation of permit applications and supporting documents, compliance with FERC license, development and implementation of soils investigation studies, coordination with private landowners, development of a hazardous waste management plan, biological field investigations, development of a bald eagle management plan, and post-construction revegetation monitoring.
New Wave staff communicated and coordinated directly with the owner, design engineers, contractors, legal counsel, and construction management team to meet critical project milestones and deadlines, address design changes and implications to regulatory compliance, and obtain necessary permit authorizations from the appropriate federal, state, and/or local entities in a timely manner prior to commencing construction.
Permitting and Compliance Services
- Agency Consultation and Coordination
- Bald Eagle Protection Plan
- FERC License Compliance
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Health and Safety Plan
- Major Facility Siting Act
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act
- On-Site Biological Evaluation
- On-Site Environmental Inspections During Construction
- Revegetation Plan, Oversight, Monitoring, Reporting
- Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act
- Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
- Soil Investigation and Reporting
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
- Threatened and Endangered Species Review
- Wetland Delineation