Cochrane Dam Reservoir Sediment Excavation Project

Cochrane Dam

Great Falls, Montana
Cochrane Dam is one of six hydroelectric facilities located on the Missouri River that is owned and operated (since 2014) by NorthWestern Energy. The facility began operation in 1958 and is a run-of-the-river project with a generating capacity of 64 megawatts.

Black Eagle 100kV Line and Substation Replacement Project

Black_Eagle_dam from southshore

Black Eagle, Montana
The Black Eagle hydroelectric facility generates approximately 21 megawatts and is a run-of-the-river project owned and operated by NorthWestern Energy. The Black Eagle Project required the replacement of an existing, but aging 100kV-radial line and wooden H-frame structures.

Great Falls 100kV Generation Interconnection Replacement Project

Great Falls Transmission Line Replacement Project

Great Falls, Montana
PPL Montana’s $55-million Great Falls 100kV Generation Interconnection Replacement Project included the replacement of aging 100kV lines and wooden H-frame structures along a 10-mile corridor and supporting infrastructure.

Rainbow Redevelopment Project


Great Falls, Montana
The Rainbow Hydroelectric Development, originally built in 1910, is located on the Missouri River near Great Falls, Montana.

City of Missoula Fire Department Emergency Ramp Extension

City of Missoula Fire Department Ramp Project

Missoula, Montana
The City of Missoula Fire Department proposed to extend the existing emergency access ramp located along the Clark Fork River in Missoula to improve access for emergency rescue watercraft (RWC) to the Clark Fork River during low flows as well as improve safety for personnel launching and retrieving RWC.

Biological Assessment for Fisheries and Bull Trout Specialist Report for Hanna Flats Good Neighbor Project


USFS Priest Lake Ranger District, Idaho
The Hanna Flats Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) project area is located in Bonner County approximately 2 miles west of Priest Lake and 25 miles north of the town of Priest River, Idaho.

Thompson Falls Upstream Fish Passage Project

TFalls Fish Ladder

Thompson Falls, Montana
Thompson Falls Dam was built in 1913 and as with many hydropower facilities at this time fish passage was not a component of construction.